This is truly the most heart-wrenching story we have ever witnessed. This mother and her 6 puppies with disabilities have been callously abandoned by their owners. They were left on the street after the mother gave birth to puppies with missing front legs. Many suspect that the mother dog was not properly cared for during her pregnancy.

Who could bear to abandon such adorable puppies on the street?
The sight of a mother nurturing her disabled puppies through breastfeeding is both heartwarming and heartrending.
The distressed mother agonizes in the presence of her little puppies.
Thankfully, the kind-hearted grandmother of the disabled puppies shows compassion.
The mother’s relief after ensuring that she and her disabled children are in safe hands as they are transported to a secure location.

A lifeguard engaged in play with the puppies with disabilities while also ensuring the safety of both the puppies and their mother.