Brianna, a pregnant cow, was in an advanced stage of pregnancy when she was loaded onto a truck with other cows and transported towards the slaughterhouse. Brianna was aware that the slaughterhouse meant an end to her and her baby’s lives, so she took a chance and jumped off the moving truck in the middle of a busy freeway.

Brianna makes her way through the traffic, frantically searching for assistance. When authorities approach her, she becomes scared by the noise and bright lights and is uncooperative. Eventually, hunters and the Skylands Animal Sanctuary Rescue come to her aid.

At first, nobody knew that Brianna was pregnant, and when the vet at the sanctuary found out, he became concerned about the health of the baby. Brianna had suffered many injuries during her jump from the truck and the traffic chase, and there was a high possibility of complications during childbirth.
Fortunately, Brianna went into labor two days after being rescued and gave birth to a healthy female calf named Winter! The sanctuary considers Winter’s birth a miracle and vows that she will never be separated from her mother. We are amazed by Brianna’s fierce motherly instinct and her determination to protect her baby against all odds. We hope they have a long and happy life together!