“Everyone in the apartment complex I resided in was aware of Ugly,” claims a resident. “Ugly loved three things more than anything else in this world: fighting, eating, and garbage,” to quote one person. The impact of all of these things, along with a life spent outside, had its effect on Ugly. To begin with, he only had one eye, and where the other should have been was a gaping hole. He also lacks his left ear on that side; his left foot appears to have been severely fractured at some point. Meet Ugly, this is his story (we think he’s beautiful).
Image Credit Source: YouTube Video
Ugly had scabs all over his tabby coat, making him less attractive. There was always the same response when people encountered Ugly: “That’s one ugly cat!” The children were advised not to play with him. Adults hurled stones or attempted to blast him away using a hose.

However, Ugly always had the same response. He would stand there and not budge until the cruel stranger gave up on the hose and the rocks and left him alone.
Image Credit Source: YouTube Video
Then he turned his one golden eye toward me and I could hear the distinct sound of purring. Even though he was in so much pain, covered in wounds, the battle-scarred cat was only asking for one thing: a little bit of affection.

Ugly taught me more about giving and compassion than a thousand books, lectures or talk show specials ever could.
Although it’s preferable to be honest, there are many individuals who want to be richer, more prominent, popular, and attractive. For me, however, I will always endeavor to be ugly.
Source: https://iheartdogs.com/nottotouchcatstory/