As a boy Ashley Carter was bullied because of his looks caused by Treacher Collins Syndrome – just like character in Hollywood film Wonder.
The new Hollywood blockbuster Wonder tells the story of August ‘Auggie’ Pullman, a shy boy with facial deformities who spends his life hiding his face inside a space helmet.
That is, until he enters school for the first time, aged 10, and has to suffer the cruel stares and taunts of the playground bullies. In turns heartbreaking and heartwarming, the film is expected to be a huge hit on both sides of the Atlantic.
And one Brit who’ll be glued to the big screen is 17-year-old Ashley Carter from Taunton in Somerset.
For him, Wonder is like watching scenes from his own life.

Ashley was target of cruel bullies

He has fought to overcome prejudice his whole life

New film Wonder
“Auggie starts the film always wearing a space helmet to hide his face, and he says that if he could choose one superpower, it would be invisibility,” says Ashley.
“Watching those scenes, I understand what he was going through, because when I was younger, I felt the same. Like him, I wanted to be invisible. I wanted to hide away in a corner and never come out.”
Ashley was born with Treacher Collins syndrome, the same condition suffered by the fictional Auggie.
A rare genetic disorder (also known as mandibulofacial dysostosis, the term used in the film), it affects the development of bones and facial tissues in the womb.
Affected babies are born with underdeveloped jaws, chins and cheekbones, and often with distinctive abnormalities to their ears, eyes and mouths. Many will need repeated surgeries – like Ashley.
Born with a receding jaw and no cheekbones or ears, he’s had more than 30 operations, including jaw distraction surgery, where devices set into the jaw re-break the bone each day to lengthen it.
“It has been very painful,” he admits. But almost worse was the bullying Ashley endured as he grew up.
From a young age, Ashley was aware he had a medical condition, but his parents never treated him any different to his siblings, so he was happy and confident. Then at primary school, the bullying started.
“Two boys started picking on me, calling me ugly, and horrible names like troll.
“They’d push me around, and one pinned me up against the wall. Sometimes, I’d run out of the classroom and sit in the corridor sobbing – it was an awful time.
“I’d come home every day upset and crying. Once, they chased me down the street. I was so scared, I ran across a busy road without even looking. I stopped going out to the park, or youth club, for fear they’d be there.”

As a schoolboy he had a rough time over his looks

In the film, Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson play Auggie’s parents, desperate to protect their son from suffering.
Ashley’s mum Louise Carter, 46, remembers the pain she and husband Michael felt, witnessing their son’s torment.
“There are a lot of similarities to Ashley’s struggle growing up, and ours as parents trying to protect him,’ she recalls. ‘It was so hard to see Ashley come home from school so upset, and really difficult to know what to do.
“We tried to educate people that Ashley is just like everyone else. We are all the same on the inside, regardless of our appearance.”

He spends his time in a space helmet because of how he looks

The character Auggie is played by Jacob Tremblay
Thankfully, after Louise and Michael spoke to the school, Ashley was moved to a different class from the bullies. Yet his confidence had been left in tatters.
“I didn’t even want to go out of our front door, convinced people would say things that would hurt me,’ he says.
“I’d cry and say to myself “I’ve had enough of my face and I want a new one”.”
Yet just as Auggie finds his confidence and becomes a triumphant school hero, Ashley has also found his smile – and his voice.
For now, he’s launching a national campaign to combat bullying. It takes courage to tackle a world full of cruel words and online trolls, but Ashley’s not afraid.

Ashley believes he was born to stand out

He has the rare Treacher Collins Syndrome
“In one powerful scene in the film, Auggie is told “you can’t blend in when you were born to stand out”,’ Ashley says.
“I’ve realised that’s true. So I’ve chosen to use my visibility as a platform to help others.”
Ashley’s working with Fixers, a charity who help young people to campaign on issues that are important to them.
“It’s all about using your past to fix the future – and for me, that means ensuring other children don’t suffer the way I did,” he says.
“And this Fixers campaign has brought my confidence back. I go on the bus regularly now, comments don’t affect me anymore. I feel happy and comfortable with how I look and I feel fine when I look in the mirror, I feel happy in myself.”
It’s a transformation as inspiring as Auggie’s fictional journey.
And now Ashley’s online anti-bullying film has reached more than 145,000 people on social media.
“I’m willing to do anything I can to raise awareness, even if it means I get a few nasty comments along the way. Recently one person wrote on Facebook: ‘imagine waking up every morning looking like that’.
“But I won’t let it bother me. What matters more is that every other response has been lovely and positive.
“I will still continue to campaign for however long I need to, and if I get abuse that just shows there’s more work to be done.”
In one moving scene in the film, the schoolchildren are asked ‘who is it that you aspire to be?’ For Ashley, the answer is simple – to be a role model for children growing up with Treacher Collins.
“I want to inspire them. I’ll tell them don’t let the condition bother you – it doesn’t bother me, and it doesn’t get in the way of living a good life.
“Also, don’t listen to the bullies – they’ve achieved nothing by bullying you; whereas you can go on to do amazing things.”
Ashley’s latest achievement has been getting a job, working with customers at a local restaurant.

Ashley has a job in a restaurant

People still stare but it bothers Ashley less and less
“At first, it was hard because I wouldn’t know how people were going to react to me but it’s going really well, and people have been lovely.
“Of course, I have the odd days when comments and stares bother me but mostly I just ignore them as much as possible and soon forget about them.
“A couple of times a week, children will ask their parents ‘what’s the matter with him?’ but it’s okay to be curious.
“I’d always prefer it if someone came up to me to politely ask what my condition was, rather than laughing or making judgements or assumptions.”
When Wonder hits UK cinemas in December, Ashley hopes it’ll add a real boost to his Fixers anti-bullying campaign.
“If people have seen Wonder, and they walk down the street and see someone with Treacher Collins, maybe they’ll realise there’s more to them than their appearance.
“Just from looking at me, you’d never know I love travelling and singing, or that at nine, I sang My Way on stage with the cast of the Rat Pack West End musical.
“You wouldn’t know that my long term goal is to become a health care assistant, working in a hospital, care home or nursery.”
Ashley’s first step is a BTEC in health and social care, starting in September.

Ashley hope the new film will change peoples’ perceptions

He was diagnosed with the syndrome as a baby
He also wants to travel around the UK, sharing his story to publicise his anti-bullying campaign. He even hopes to appear in his own documentary one day.
“First I’ve got to pass my driving test.” he laughs.
Longer term, Ashley hopes to find love, get married and have children.
“I do worry that if I passed on the gene, my children might be bullied,’ he admits. ‘But that just makes me even more determined to make things better for future generations.’
“I hope that Wonder helps to make people stop bullying people with facial disfigurements and understand our conditions and the problems we face.
“And to realise that just like Auggie, we can be amazing on the inside too.”