The arrival of gorgeous infants is a routine event for the obstetrics team at Baptist Medical Center Beaches. However, a recent birth stood out from the rest

An unexpected duck appeared in the central plaza of the Florida center a few weeks ago. Given that the only access from outside is through the courtyard’s open doorway, it is assumed that the duck flew in from above. However, it became clear over time why she chose to make her home in that secluded area. She constructed a nest and laid her eggs there.

The happy mother duck gave birth to 10 lovely ducklings while medical professionals watched with fondness.
The newborn ducks’ initial challenge would be to find their way out into the world outside since they were confined within the structure.
With the help of their mother and some friendly medical staff, they successfully accomplished this.
It turns out that the duck had selected the perfect place to start her family – the same place that countless human mothers had chosen.
“We’re still talking about this wonderful story – and the 10 unexpected arrivals that day!” Beaches OBGYN announced in a blog post. “Congratulations, Mama!”