The scarlet-rumped trogon can always distinguish itself from the group. The rationale is quite evident, isn’t it? These avian creatures possess noticeable azure eyebrows that are absent in other birds. Their beak also displays a vivid shade of blue, producing a striking juxtaposition against their ebony countenance.

The other notable characteristic of this bird species is the striking scarlet coloration on its underparts and rump. The vivid hue is captivating and easily catches human attention. Do you concur?

The wings of these trogons are also noteworthy. Both male and female birds exhibit densely barred wings, in addition to the brown back and tail.

Unlike the description of male birds provided earlier, female scarlet-rumped trogons have an orangish rump, yellow breast, and pink-red belly.

This eye-catching bird species is found in several East Asian countries, including Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand.

Scarlet-rumped trogons can be spotted in subtropical moist lowland forests, as well as subtropical or tropical swamps, and tropical moist montane forests.
When it comes to their diets, these birds primarily feed on insects, other arthropods, and fruit. However, they occasionally hunt small vertebrates such as lizards for food. They also consume caterpillars.
During the breeding season, this bird species constructs its nest in decaying wood or pre-existing termite nests. Female birds lay 2-4 eggs in the nest and incubate them for 16-19 days. The bird moms diligently feed the chicks for approximately 23-25 days until they are ready to fledge.

Presently, the population of the scarlet-rumped trogon is dwindling due to ongoing deforestation at an alarming rate.