From award-winning performances in comedies, dramas, and thrillers, to her ongoing role as a two-time cancer survivor living with lymphedema, Kathy Bates is a force to be reckoned with in Hollywood and beyond. Despite not receiving any Hollywood awards for her inspiring journey, she has earned global recognition for her bravery and determination. In this article, we will take a closer look at Bates’ health journey and how she has used her celebrity status to bring awareness to lymphedema.
Kathy Bates, a talented stage and screen performer, has been captivating audiences since the early 1970s with her terrifying, dramatic, and comedic roles. However, in 2003, only one year after her shocking nude appearance in the film “About Schmidt,” Bates received the devastating news that she had ovarian cancer. She underwent a double mastectomy in 2012 after being diagnosed with breast cancer. But her health struggles were far from over.
In addition to her battles with cancer, Bates was also diagnosed with lymphedema, a condition that causes swelling in the arms and hands due to the removal of lymph nodes during cancer treatment. Despite the challenges she faced, Bates remained determined to use her celebrity status for good and bring awareness to this often overlooked condition.
In an interview with Kelly Clarkson, Bates shared her initial reaction to the diagnosis, saying, “I went berserk. I left the examining room and ran out of the building. I still had my drains in, I was holding a pillow to my chest, and I thought, ‘What am I doing? It’s July, I’m standing out here, it’s hot, I’m still healing, I don’t want to hurt anything.’” However, with the help of a lymphedema expert, Bates found the strength to move forward and use her platform to advocate for others.
As the national spokesperson for the Lymphatic Education and Research Network (LE&RN), Bates has been able to bring attention to lymphedema and its impact on millions of people in the United States. She also emphasizes the importance of pushing for a concrete diagnosis if you are not feeling well, as lymphedema can often go unnoticed by doctors.

Despite her health struggles, Bates has not let it slow her down. She continues to act and inspire others with her resilience and determination. In her own words, “I feel blessed [to have the condition] because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be in a position to use my celebrity to do something that can maybe help people.”
Kathy Bates’ story is a true testament to the power of using fame for good and bringing awareness to important causes. We can all learn from her strength and determination in the face of adversity.
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