I lost 24 stone to make my children proud but I hate how my body looks more now – I can’t bear to look at myself
LOOSING a significant amount of weight can transform your life. When you are classified as morbidly obese weight loss is...
LOOSING a significant amount of weight can transform your life. When you are classified as morbidly obese weight loss is...
A WOMAN is encouraging others to stop using sunbeds after she was left with a severe rash all over her...
AN IRISH woman who wanted a ‘Hollywood smile’ has been left in "excruciating pain" - after a clinic in Turkey...
In the world of science, the pursuit of knowledge and progress often comes with a cost, and the creation of...
The idea of mutant creatures has always been fascinating, from science fiction to the laboratory. Genetic mutations can occur naturally...
Mexico Artifacts Prove Aliens Visited Earth A videos uploaded by YouTube channel UFOmania and Martin Mikuaš featured several artifacts found...
A 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 girl has Ƅeen 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 with so мuch Ƅody hair her мuм was duƄƄed her as “her little мonkey”. Britney Budhi,...
This eight-months-pregnant weightlifter is pumping some serious big-mama drama — but she’s pushing past the shade parade like a mother...
A South African woмan has giʋen 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 to an infant daughter with the t known as, which uss offspring to...
In recent years, large lips have been the main sign of beauty. For the sake of this, girls go to...