Animals Rare Irrawaddy dolphins have been spotted swimming in Indonesian waters and were finally captured on camera
Animals Mother hen captured on video shielding her chicks from the pouring rain by covering them under her wings
Animals Adorable Video Of Employees Teaching Orphaned Orangutans How To Be Aware Of Snakes. Orangutan Reaches Out To Help Man In River.
Dog Rescuers in New Jersey save a mature and docile dog left alone outdoors in frigid conditions tethered to a brief chain
Dog The distressed young dog is trapped in the drain, whimpering for assistance, yet nobody is willing to offer aid
She gave birth to six children at the same time. How did the children’s lives turn out 40 years later?
Little Girl from Across the Street Waved at Me Every Day and Night, What I Saw When I Went to Inspect Her House Left Me Breathless