01 Nov 9:00 PM – I’m en route to rescue Blackie. He was discovered by a woman who had recently bought a new house.
Reiki: His sibling seemed startled by the sight of a human, even though I was a total stranger to her.
As the woman stated that the house had been unoccupied for a month, Blackie and Reiki must have been confined during that period.
Their eyes reveal a newfound sense of hope. As I sit here with my two well-loved dogs, tears fill my eyes. Bless those who were able to rescue these affectionate animals.

People can be extremely wicked and cruel. Animals too have emotions! I am grateful for your help in rescuing Blackie and his sibling.

I find it unimaginable that anyone could be so cruel to innocent, defenseless animals. I hope whoever committed this act has a difficult life and only encounters suffering for the rest of their sad, meaningless existence.