A mother moose and her two calves were observed by a resident of Anchorage, Alaska, in his backyard. The individual, Ryan Ryndstrom, chose to capture the scene after noticing that the adorable creatures spent the entire day there, as the mother moose seemed particularly fond of the grass.
According to Ryan, the animals remained in his backyard from approximately 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and the mother moose even assisted her calves in finding their lunch. Fortunately, Ryan managed to capture photographs of the entire encounter and shared them online for all of us to enjoy.
He mentioned that the mother moose has a fondness for consuming the leaves of the orange blossom bush, bleeding hearts, astilbe, tree foliage, the neighbor’s orange begonias, and his own yellow begonias.
He additionally mentioned that the moose family swiftly departed from the backyard upon encountering another cow and her calves dashing through the area. However, regrettably, he was unable to capture the moment on video. What an incredible sight!

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Rewritten Source: https://thepetneeds.com/moose-familys-backyard/