In a world where the origins of us food is increasingly under scrutiny, it is essential to understand where our meat comes from.
This knowledge can not only improve our health, but also have a positive impact on the environment and local economies.
The difference between store-bought beef and beef straight from the farm is bigger than you might think. Let’s take a closer look at these differences and discover why it’s important to know what you’re buying.
Color difference
One of the most noticeable differences between store-bought and farm-raised meat is the color.

The beef you buy in the supermarket is often brighter and redder in color.

However, these additives can also affect the taste and nutritional value of the meat.

Retail meat is often treated with preservatives to extend its shelf life, but this process can also affect the quality of the meat.

These chemicals can lead to a reduction in the natural flavor and texture of the meat, making it less attractive to consumers who value culinary quality.

Additionally, some of these additives may pose health risks, especially if consumed in large quantities.

Farm meat, on the other hand, has a deeper, darker texture colour.

This is because the meat is fresher and does not contain artificial means to preserve it.

This preserves the natural quality and flavor of the meat, resulting in a richer and fuller taste experience.

The meat often comes from cows that have been raised naturally, without the use of growth hormones or antibiotics, which contributes to a healthier choice for consumers.

Another crucial aspect to consider is the source of your meat.

Store-bought beef can be a mixture of meat from multiple cows from different countries.