Residents of Rush City, Minnesota observed a bald eagle in distress hanging from a tree, suspended 70 feet above the ground for over two days. While some believed the eagle to be deceased, others were indifferent to its plight. However, upon spotting the eagle, Jason Galvin, an army veteran, recognized the urgency of the situation and took action to assist.

The veteran observed the bird through his binoculars for hours and concluded that it was still alive. He resolved to use his military expertise to rescue the bird, despite objections from neighbors citing “liability issues” and “compromised security measures.” Jason remained committed to aiding the distressed bird.

Jason opted to use his rifle to rescue the trapped eagle. On a scorching day, he approached the tree and fired over 150 rounds in the same area of the branch to release the eagle. Luckily, a single shot penetrated the branch, causing the eagle to fall to the ground unharmed.

Fortuitously, the eagle, now known as Freedom, is presently recuperating at a nearby rehabilitation center. She was given this name because she was liberated during the Fourth of July weekend! Upon making a full recovery, she will be returned to her natural habitat.
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