Tim Newton from Alaska woke up to some noise coming from his deck. Curious about the source of the commotion, he quickly got out of bed and looked out of the window. What he saw surprised him – a lynx cub was perched on the deck while its siblings ran around playing.

As a photographer, Tim Newton was immediately fascinated by the rare sighting. He quickly grabbed his camera and started taking pictures of the lynx family, which consisted of seven kittens and their mother.

Lynx is the solitary wild cat that is native to Alaska. They typically measure two to three feet in length and weigh between fifteen to thirty pounds when fully grown. They are generally shy and prefer to live in the forest, making it rare for them to approach human settlements. Mr. Newton was indeed fortunate to not only have the opportunity to see them but to also watch them play on his deck.

During his interview with The Dodo, he recounted a moment when he was woken up by some sounds that sounded like something was moving on the deck. As he slowly regained consciousness, he wondered what it could be. He decided to put on his bathrobe and gently pull back the curtain to take a peek. To his surprise, he saw a lynx kitten only two feet away, sitting and watching as its siblings playfully chased each other. He began taking pictures, amazed by his good fortune and feeling overjoyed.

We also find the images to be stunning, and we’re not the only ones. The pictures of the lynx family spread rapidly across the internet. To view additional images, visit Tim’s website, Rugged Alaska, or his Facebook page, Tim Newton Photography. He continues to capture more photographs of the lynx and other creatures in their natural environments.

Tim managed to capture numerous photographs of the lynx family without causing any disturbance, except for one inquisitive kitten that came up to inspect the camera. Tim recounted the incident by saying:
“I’m not sure why, but I moved the camera away from my face a bit, possibly to express how adorable the kitten was. The kitten’s expression was one of absolute terror! Its eyes were wide open, and it immediately fled from me! However, the other kittens remained oblivious to the situation.”

Approximately forty minutes into the session, the mother lynx guided her litter of charming kittens back into the woods. Tim exclaimed, “They were incredibly adorable! It was an overload of cuteness. The experience was truly remarkable.”