Even though barn owls are not typically known for their tenderness, a photographer managed to capture a touching moment between two of them on camera.

#1. A photographer photographed two owls
Owls are commonly known as solitary birds, making it incredibly challenging to spot two owls at the same time, let alone a pair of these birds of prey sharing an affectionate moment. However, a fortunate photographer from the UK has recently managed to capture such a rare sight on camera. Leslie Arnott has taken a few shots of a truly romantic encounter between two barn owls in a small village of Staffordshire, UK.
“The conditions were quite challenging in the dimly lit forest, and the duo flew for some time before they engaged in their special moment,” the photographer reported. “They began rubbing their heads against each other and displaying signs of affection. Then, to my surprise, they seemed to kiss each other. They kissed each other twice, a moment that I have never seen before nor since.”

The photographer observed that the two magnificent birds spent approximately two or three minutes together on a tree branch before taking flight. Throughout this time, the birds displayed remarkable affection towards one another.

But what’s even more fascinating is that the two birds are actually sisters, and not mates. Regarding the innocent kiss they shared, Leslie is pretty sure that we won’t find an explanation anytime soon. “[The two owls] are very affectionate towards each other and work well together, however, they are not a breeding pair,” she said.