At the Toronto Zoo in Canada, visitors witnessed a pair of hippos enjoying a pumpkin treat, not just a small piece. The hippos were given whole pumpkins and ate them with great enthusiasm. In a video that has since gone viral, a child behind the camera encouraged the hippos to open their mouths. Zoo personnel then approached and placed the large pumpkins into the hippos’ mouths before quickly removing their arms…and there’s a good reason for that!
A commenter on the video said, “It’s cute how their eyes twitch due to the amount of force needed to crush the pumpkins. But, it’s not so cute if you were the pumpkin.”
Another viewer pointed out the hippos’ ears, stating, “Don’t be deceived by their cute, wiggly little ears.” And yet another commented on their capabilities: “Their bite strength is impressive. They don’t chew at first, they just increase the pressure until it’s crushed. It’s like hydraulics. That’s what 1820 psi looks like in real life. It’s amazing.”
A different viewer concluded, “This is why you should always avoid hippos.”
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